Between question correlations

269. Have you felt different from others for most of your life? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
543. Is it or has it been harder for you than for others to find a partner? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .72)
227. Have you taken initiative only to find out it was not wanted? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
126. Have you had the feeling of playing a game, pretending to be like people around you? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
489. Have you had difficulties fitting into expected gender stereotypes, perhaps having interests and behaviors that are atypical for your gender? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
278. Do you forget you are in a social situation when something gets your attention? (Aspie-score correlation: .70)
34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
544. Have you had a tendency to prefer the company of those who are older or younger than yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
378. Do you dislike it when people drop by to visit you uninvited? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (Aspie-score correlation: .66)
93. Have you been bullied, abused or taken advantage of? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
106. Have you had thoughts of committing suicide? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
367. Is a large social network important to you? (Aspie-score correlation: -.41)
225. Are you intuitive about what people need from you? (Aspie-score correlation: -.47)
134. Do you find the usual courting behavior natural? (Aspie-score correlation: -.54)
545. Are you good at teamwork? (Aspie-score correlation: -.57)
14. Is it difficult or tiresome for you to talk? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
546. Do you have a monotonous voice? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
547. Do you tend to talk either too softly or too loundly? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
83. In conversations, do you have trouble with things like timing and reciprocity? (Aspie-score correlation: .73)
549. In conversations, do you need extra time to carefully think out your reply, so that there may be a pause before you answer? (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
17. Do you use stock phrases or phrases borrowed from other situations or people? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
365. Do you find it easier to communicate online than in real life? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
550. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, idioms, allegories and a tendency to interpret things literally? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (Aspie-score correlation: .73)
554. Do people sometimes think you are smiling when you shouldn't? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
123. Do you expect other people to know your thoughts, experiences and opinions without you having to tell them? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
130. Do others often misunderstand you? (Aspie-score correlation: .74)
493. Do you tend to be more blunt and straightforward than others? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
551. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
73. Do you dislike shaking hands? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
552. Do you prefer to avoid eye-contact? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
403. Have you been accused of staring? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
495. Do you find it easy to describe your feelings? (Aspie-score correlation: -.49)
555. Is it easy for you to adopt a polite or socially 'appropriate' facial expression, even if it does not match what you feel inside? (Aspie-score correlation: -.33)
502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
557. Are you easily disturbed by sounds/noises that others make? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
558. Do you find the sound from a motor-bike, helicopter or tractor painful? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
54. Do you have difficulties filtering out background noise when talking to someone? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
3. Do you get confused by verbal instructions - especially several at the same time? (Aspie-score correlation: .69)
55. Do recently heard phrases, tunes or rhythms tend to stick and repeat themselves in your head? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
391. Do you usually close one eye in strong sun-light? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
559. Are you a picky eater? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
61. Do you feel tortured by clothes tags, clothes that are too tight or are made in the 'wrong' material? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
507. Do you dislike being touched or hugged unless you're prepared or have asked for it? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
63. If you have to be touched, do you prefer it to be firmly rather than lightly? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
561. Are you fairly non-sensitive to physical pain? (Aspie-score correlation: .29)
562. Are you sensitive to heat? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
563. Are you sensitive to cold? (Aspie-score correlation: .32)
564. Are you sensitive to wind? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
624. Do you tap your fingers or fiddle with something (e.g. when bored, restless or concentrating)? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
574. Do you bite your lip, cheek or tongue (e.g. when thinking, when anxious or nervous)? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
575. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
535. Do you grind teeth (e.g. when stressed)? (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
401. Do you talk to yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
579. Do you pick your nose? (Aspie-score correlation: .28)
571. Do you crack joints? (Aspie-score correlation: .24)
572. Do you pace (e.g. when thinking or anxious)? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
583. Do you enjoy watching things that shimmer or glitter? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
582. Do you enjoy watching a spinning or blinking object? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
625. Do you enjoy spinning in circles and/or walking on your toes? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
589. Do you tap your ears or press your eyes (e.g. when thinking, when stressed or distressed)? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
590. Do you rock back-&-forth or side-to-side (e.g. for comfort, to calm yourself, when excited or overstimulated)? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
588. Do you flap your hands (e.g. when excited or upset)? (Aspie-score correlation: .38)
587. Do you bite yourself (e.g. when frustrated or upset)? (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
626. Do you repeatedly bang your head (e.g. when frustrated or upset)? (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
501. Do you self-harm, or have you done so in the past? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
627. Do you have a habit of sniffing, snorting, coughing or clearing your throat, without it being due to allergy, cold or bronchitis? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
628. Do you repeatedly blink or have twitches in eyes or face? (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (Aspie-score correlation: .70)
26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (Aspie-score correlation: .68)
591. Do you need to finish what you're doing before turning to another task or person? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
6. Do you tend to get so stuck on details that you miss the overall picture? (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
397. Do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
454. Do you prefer to do things on your own even if you could use others' help or expertise? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
594. Do you love to make lists, diagrams etc for the fun of it? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
592. Do you love to collect things? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
613. Do you need lists and schedules in order to get things done? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
595. Do you find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
596. Do you get frustrated if you can't sit on your favorite seat? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
597. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes every day for many days in a row? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
598. Do you prefer to eat the same food every day for long periods at a time? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
629. Do you have a fascination for water? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
600. Do you find it hard to resist picking scabs or peeling skin flakes? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
599. Do you feel an urge to correct people with accurate facts, numbers, spelling, grammar etc., when they get something wrong? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
601. Do you feel stressed in unfamiliar situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
23. Do you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
606. Do tend to do everything worth doing, more perfect than really needed? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
605. Are you a computer geek? (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
516. Are you somewhat of a daydreamer, often lost in your own thoughts? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream or considered odd? (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
330. Do you look, feel or act younger than your biological age? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
609. Do you have odd teeth; e.g. that are crooked, bigger than usual; that have gaps, overlaps, underbite or that show extra much gum? (Aspie-score correlation: .39)
610. Do you have atypical or irregular sleeping patterns that deviate from the 24-h cycle? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
155. Do you find the norms of hygiene too strict? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
97. Are you usually unaware of/disinterested in what is currently in vogue? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
133. Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (Aspie-score correlation: .68)
167. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
523. Are you sometimes fearless in situations that can be dangerous? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
32. Do you have a tendency to be passive and not initiate things yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
89. Do you have problems recognizing faces (prosopagnosia)? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
611. Is it difficult for you to multitask? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
50. Do you have poor concept of time? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
294. Do you often forget where you put things? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
616. Are you easily distracted? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
515. Do you find it hard to focus on or learn things you are not interested in? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
129. Do you have difficulty describing & summarising for example events, conversations or something you've read? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
630. Have you or have you had a tendency to be hyperactive and/or restless? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
518. Do you tend to be impatient and/or impulsive? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
416. Do you have difficulty writing by hand? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
229. Do you have difficulties with pronunciation? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
234. Do you stutter when stressed? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
631. Does it come more natural to you to think in pictures than in words? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
632. Are you affected negatively by high air humidity combined with hot weather? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
633. Are you affected negatively by high air humidity combined with cold weather? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
634. Are you sensitive to dry air? (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
635. Do you feel good in mist or fog? (Aspie-score correlation: .32)
636. Can you sense differences in air-pressure (when the weather changes from low-pressure to high-pressure and vice versa)? (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
116. Do you sometimes say "we" instead of "I"? (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
637. Do you enjoy digging? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
438. Do you sometimes have an urge to climb? (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
439. Do you sometimes have an urge to jump over things? (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
384. Do you have a fascination for caves? (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
638. Do you like to relax and do absolutely nothing while pondering on things of interest? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
639. Do you like Science Fiction? (Aspie-score correlation: .28)
640. AQ - I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own. (Aspie-score correlation: -.33)
641. AQ - I prefer to do things the same way over and over again. (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
642. AQ - If I try to imagine something, I find it very easy to create a picture in my mind. (Aspie-score correlation: .05)
643. AQ - I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things. (Aspie-score correlation: .70)
644. AQ - I often notice small sounds when others do not. (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
645. AQ - I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information. (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
646. AQ - Other people frequently tell me that what I've said is impolite, even though I think it is polite. (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
647. AQ - When I'm reading a story, I can easily imagine what the characters might look like. (Aspie-score correlation: -.05)
648. AQ - I am fascinated by dates. (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
649. AQ - In a social group, I can easily keep track of several different people's conversations. (Aspie-score correlation: -.41)
650. AQ - I find social situations easy. (Aspie-score correlation: -.61)
651. AQ - I tend to notice details that others do not. (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
652. AQ - I would rather go to a library than to a party. (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
653. AQ - I find making up stories easy. (Aspie-score correlation: -.02)
654. AQ - I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to things. (Aspie-score correlation: -.51)
655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
656. AQ - I enjoy social chitchat. (Aspie-score correlation: -.58)
657. AQ - When I talk, it isn't always easy for others to get a word in edgewise. (Aspie-score correlation: .32)
658. AQ - I am fascinated by numbers. (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
659. AQ - When I'm reading a story, I find it difficult to work out the characters' intentions. (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
660. AQ - I don't particularly enjoy reading fiction. (Aspie-score correlation: .22)
661. AQ - I find it hard to make new friends. (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
662. AQ - I notice patterns in things all the time. (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
663. AQ - I would rather go to the theater than to a museum. (Aspie-score correlation: -.26)
664. AQ - It does not upset me if my daily routine is disturbed. (Aspie-score correlation: -.56)
665. AQ - I frequently find that I don't know how to keep a conversation going. (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
666. AQ - I find it easy to 'read between the lines' when someone is talking to me. (Aspie-score correlation: -.59)
667. AQ - I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than on the small details. (Aspie-score correlation: -.46)
668. AQ - I am not very good at remembering phone numbers. (Aspie-score correlation: -.02)
669. AQ - I don't usually notice small changes in a situation or a person's appearance. (Aspie-score correlation: .08)
670. AQ - I know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored. (Aspie-score correlation: -.53)
671. AQ - I find it easy to do more than one thing at once. (Aspie-score correlation: -.52)
672. AQ - When I talk on the phone, I'm not sure when it's my turn to speak. (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
673. AQ - I enjoy doing things spontaneously. (Aspie-score correlation: -.35)
674. AQ - I am often the last to understand the point of a joke. (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
675. AQ - I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face. (Aspie-score correlation: -.57)
676. AQ - If there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly. (Aspie-score correlation: -.55)
677. AQ - I am good at social chitchat. (Aspie-score correlation: -.60)
678. AQ - People often tell me that I keep going on and on about the same thing. (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
679. AQ - When I was young, I used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children. (Aspie-score correlation: -.35)
680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
681. AQ - I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
682. AQ - I like to carefully plan any activities I participate in. (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
683. AQ - I enjoy social occasions. (Aspie-score correlation: -.60)
684. AQ - I find it difficult to work out people's intentions. (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
685. AQ - New situations make me anxious. (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
686. AQ - I enjoy meeting new people. (Aspie-score correlation: -.54)
687. AQ - I am a good diplomat. (Aspie-score correlation: -.36)
688. AQ - I am not very good at remembering people's date of birth. (Aspie-score correlation: -.04)
689. AQ - I find it very easy to play games with children that involve pretending. (Aspie-score correlation: -.28)