Between question correlations

1152. Do you often feel out-of-sync with others? (Aspie-score correlation: .70)
26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream or considered odd? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
695. Do you notice patterns in things all the time? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
1153. Do you need periods of contemplation? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
3. Do you get confused by verbal instructions - especially several at the same time? (Aspie-score correlation: .68)
6. Do you tend to get so stuck on details that you miss the overall picture? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
27. Do you find it hard to multi-task or shift your attention rapidly from one thing to another and therefore need to finish one task before turning to the next? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
129. Do you have difficulty describing & summarising things for example events, conversations or something you've read? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
397. Do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
743. If there is an interruption, can you quickly return to what you were doing before? (Aspie-score correlation: -.52)
240. Do you find it very hard to learn things that you are not interested in? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
319. Do you find it difficult to take notes in lectures? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
726. Can you easily keep track of several different people's conversations? (Aspie-score correlation: -.42)
25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (Aspie-score correlation: .68)
249. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
37. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes and/or eat the same food every day? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
361. Do you become frustrated if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
596. Do you get frustrated if you can't sit on your favorite seat? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
595. Do you find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
613. Do you need lists and schedules in order to get things done? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
740. Do you enjoy meeting new people? (Aspie-score correlation: -.50)
282. Are your views typical of your peer group? (Aspie-score correlation: -.48)
280. Do you enjoy hosting or arranging events? (Aspie-score correlation: -.34)
180. Do you have an interest for the current fashions? (Aspie-score correlation: -.30)
779. Do you prefer the company of those of the same generation as yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: -.27)
153. Do you enjoy gossip? (Aspie-score correlation: -.28)
516. Are you somewhat of a daydreamer, often lost in your own thoughts? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
1053. Do you have problems starting and / or finishing projects? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
616. Are you easily distracted? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
1054. Are you poor at organizing your work and / or life? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
614. Are you or have you been hyperactive? (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
612. Do you tend to procrastinate? (Aspie-score correlation: .28)
1044. Do you have a tendency to become stuck when asked questions in social situation? (Aspie-score correlation: .72)
70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
767. Has it been harder for you than for others to keep friends? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
923. Do you avoid talking face to face with someone you don't know very well? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
507. Do you dislike being touched or hugged unless you're prepared or have asked for it? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
858. Do people think you are aloof and distant? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
859. Do you find it hard to be emotionally close to other people? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
73. Do you dislike shaking hands? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
454. Do you prefer to do things on your own even if you could use others' help or expertise? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
1207. Do you dislike when people walk behind you? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
378. Do you dislike it when people drop by to visit you uninvited? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
737. Do you find it natural to wave or say 'hi' when you meet people? (Aspie-score correlation: -.47)
1077. Do you dislike reading aloud? (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
857. Do people comment on your unusual mannerisms and habits? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
115. Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
765. Do you often have lots of thoughts that you find hard to verbalize? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
731. Do you often don't know where to put your arms? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
547. Do you tend to talk either too softly or too loudly? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
712. Have others commented or have you observed yourself that you make unusual facial expressions? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
403. Have you been accused of staring? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
359. Have others told you that you have an odd posture or gait? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
575. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
590. Do you rock back-&-forth or side-to-side (e.g. for comfort, to calm yourself, when excited or overstimulated)? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
55. Do recently heard phrases, tunes or rhythms tend to stick and repeat themselves in your head? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
15. Do you have a habit of repeating your own or others' last words, internally or out loud (echolalia)? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
589. Do you tap your ears or press your eyes (e.g. when thinking, when stressed or distressed)? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
570. Do you fiddle with things? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
17. Do you use stock phrases or phrases borrowed from other situations or people? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
572. Do you pace (e.g. when thinking or anxious)? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
234. Do you stutter when stressed? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
739. Do you tend to look a lot at people you like and little or not at all at people you dislike? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
574. Do you bite your lip, cheek or tongue (e.g. when thinking, when anxious or nervous)? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
401. Do you talk to yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
16. Do you sometimes mix up pronouns and, for example, say "you" or "we" when you mean "me" or vice versa? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
229. Do you have difficulties with pronunciation? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .75)
83. In conversations, do you have trouble with things like timing and reciprocity? (Aspie-score correlation: .73)
130. Do others often misunderstand you? (Aspie-score correlation: .72)
745. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others? (Aspie-score correlation: .71)
278. Do you forget you are in a social situation when something gets your attention? (Aspie-score correlation: .70)
82. Are you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they are clearly spelled out? (Aspie-score correlation: .66)
86. Do you tend to interpret things literally and/or reply to rhetorical questions? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
1160. Do you find it difficult to work out people's intentions? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
551. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
707. Do you instinctively know when it is your turn to speak when talking on the phone? (Aspie-score correlation: -.59)
856. Are you good at returning social courtesies and gestures? (Aspie-score correlation: -.58)
85. Do you often talk about your special interests whether others seem to be interested or not? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
128. Do you know when you are expected to offer an apology? (Aspie-score correlation: -.58)
714. Are you good at interpreting facial expressions? (Aspie-score correlation: -.54)
255. Do you find yourself at ease in romantic situations? (Aspie-score correlation: -.51)
495. Do you find it easy to describe your feelings? (Aspie-score correlation: -.48)
546. Do you have a monotonous voice? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
89. Do you have problems recognizing faces (prosopagnosia)? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
92. Are you so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone is? (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
582. Do you enjoy watching a spinning or blinking object? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
448. Do you have a fascination for slowly flowing water? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
439. Do you sometimes have an urge to jump over things? (Aspie-score correlation: .38)
926. Do you enjoy mimicking animal sounds? (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
581. Do you enjoy walking on your toes? (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
925. Have you been fascinated about making traps? (Aspie-score correlation: .32)
1076. Do you find it difficult to take messages on the telephone and pass them on correctly? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
433. Do you drop things when your attention is on other things? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
1079. Do you have problems filling out forms? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
316. Do you find it hard to recognise phone numbers when said in a different way? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
310. Do you have trouble reading clocks? (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
1080. Do you mix up digits in numbers like 95 and 59? (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
862. Do you suddenly feel distracted by distant sounds? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
54. Do you have difficulties filtering out background noise when talking to someone? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
61. Do you feel tortured by clothes tags, clothes that are too tight or are made in the 'wrong' material? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
48. Are you hypo- or hypersensitive to physical pain, or even enjoy some types of pain? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
385. Do you instinctively become frightened by the sound of a motor-bike? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
871. Do you dislike it when people stamp their foot in the floor? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
631. Does it come more natural to you to think in pictures than in words? (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
50. Do you have poor concept of time? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
113. Do you find it hard to tell the age of people? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
1078. Do you have problems finding your way to new places? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
718. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
167. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
623. Are you prone to getting depressions? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
93. Have you been bullied, abused or taken advantage of? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
518. Do you tend to be impatient and/or impulsive? (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
133. Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
708. Do you naturally fit into the expected gender stereotypes? (Aspie-score correlation: -.42)
381. Do you have unusual sexual preferences? (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
135. Do you find it natural that males take initiatives to start a romantic relationship? (Aspie-score correlation: -.20)
78. Do you sometimes not feel anything at all, even though other people expect you to? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
549. In conversations, do you need extra time to carefully think out your reply, so that there may be a pause before you answer? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
126. Have you had the feeling of playing a game, pretending to be like people around you? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
364. Do you find it easier to understand and communicate with odd & unusual people than with ordinary people? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
174. Do you or others think that you have unusual eating habits? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
227. Have you taken initiative only to find out it was not wanted? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
1042. Do you turn words around in conversations? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
1046. Do you have immature interests? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
492. If asked to describe yourself, would you do so in a detached way, as if you were describing someone else? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
123. Do you expect other people to know your thoughts, experiences and opinions without you having to tell them? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
715. Can you easily remember verbal instructions? (Aspie-score correlation: -.49)
545. Are you good at teamwork? (Aspie-score correlation: -.58)
262. Do you have a good sense for what is the right thing to do socially? (Aspie-score correlation: -.62)
724. Do you find it easy to estimate the age of people? (Aspie-score correlation: -.37)
250. Are you gracious about criticism, correction and direction? (Aspie-score correlation: -.41)
963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
964. ADD - History of not living up to potential in school or work (report cards with comments such as 'not living up to potential') (Aspie-score correlation: .31)
965. ADD - History of frequent behavior problems in school (mostly for males) (Aspie-score correlation: .27)
966. ADD - History of bed wetting past age 5 (Aspie-score correlation: .22)
967. ADD - Family history of ADD, learning problems, mood disorders or substance abuse problems (Aspie-score correlation: .23)
968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (Aspie-score correlation: .31)
971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
975. ADD - Easily distracted during sex, causing frequent breaks or turn-offs during lovemaking (Aspie-score correlation: .31)
976. ADD - Poor listening skills (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (Aspie-score correlation: .38)
978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
979. ADD - Has to be moving in order to think (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
981. ADD - An internal sense of anxiety or nervousness (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
983. ADD - Say just what comes to mind without considering its impact (tactless) (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (Aspie-score correlation: .38)
986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
987. ADD - Frequent traffic violations (Aspie-score correlation: .18)
988. ADD - Frequent, impulsive job changes (Aspie-score correlation: .29)
989. ADD - Tendency to embarrass others (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
990. ADD - Lying or stealing on impulse (Aspie-score correlation: .27)
991. ADD - Poor organization and planning, trouble maintaining an organized work/living area (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
992. ADD - Chronically late or chronically in a hurry (Aspie-score correlation: .29)
993. ADD - Often have piles of stuff (Aspie-score correlation: .32)
994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
995. ADD - Poor financial management (late bills, check book a mess, spending unnecessary money on late fees) (Aspie-score correlation: .29)
996. ADD - Some adults with ADD are very successful, but often only if they are surrounded with people who organize them. (Aspie-score correlation: .29)
997. ADD - Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
998. ADD - Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
1000. ADD - Spends excessive time at work because of inefficiencies (Aspie-score correlation: .27)
1001. ADD - Inconsistent work performance (Aspie-score correlation: .32)
1002. ADD - Chronic sense of underachievement, feeling you should be much further along in your life than you are (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
1003. ADD - Chronic problems with self-esteem (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
1004. ADD - Sense of impending doom (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
1005. ADD - Mood swings (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
1006. ADD - Negativity (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
1007. ADD - Frequent feeling of demoralization or that things won't work out for you (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
1008. ADD - Trouble sustaining friendships or intimate relationships, promiscuity (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
1009. ADD - Trouble with intimacy (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
1010. ADD - Tendency to be immature (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
1011. ADD - Self-centered; immature interests (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
1012. ADD - Failure to see others' needs or activities as important (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
1013. ADD - Lack of talking in a relationship (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
1014. ADD - Verbally abusive to others (Aspie-score correlation: .28)
1015. ADD - Proneness to hysterical outburst (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
1016. ADD - Avoids group activities (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
1017. ADD - Trouble with authority (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
1018. ADD - Quick responses to slights that are real or imagined (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
1019. ADD - Rage outbursts, short fuse (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
1020. ADD - Frequent search for high stimulation (bungee jumping, gambling, race track, high stress jobs, ER doctors, doing many things at once, etc.) (Aspie-score correlation: .25)
1021. ADD - Tendency to seek conflict, be argumentative or to start disagreements for the fun of it (Aspie-score correlation: .27)
1022. ADD - Tendency to worry needlessly and endlessly (Aspie-score correlation: .38)
1023. ADD - Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work) (Aspie-score correlation: .31)
1024. ADD - Switches around numbers, letters or words (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
1025. ADD - Turn words around in conversations (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
1026. ADD - Poor writing skills (hard to get information from brain to pen) (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
1027. ADD - Poor handwriting, often prints (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
1028. ADD - Coordination difficulties (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
1029. ADD - Performance becomes worse under pressure' (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
1030. ADD - Test anxiety, or during tests your mind tends to go blank (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
1031. ADD - The harder you try, the worse it gets (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
1032. ADD - Work or schoolwork deteriorates under pressure (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
1033. ADD - Tendency to turn off or become stuck when asked questions in social situation (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
1034. ADD - Falls asleep or becomes tired while reading (Aspie-score correlation: .27)
1035. ADD - Difficulties falling asleep, may be due to too many thoughts at night (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
1036. ADD - Difficulty coming awake (may need coffee or other stimulant or activity before feeling fully awake) (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
0. ADD - Periods of low energy, especially early in the morning and in the afternoon (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
0. ADD - Frequently feeling tired (Aspie-score correlation: .33)
0. ADD - Startles easily (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
0. ADD - Sensitive to touch, clothes, noise and light (Aspie-score correlation: .58)